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StayOS for RM by ImtiAz (mt6582)


- Navigation Bar
- enable / Disable Navbar
High -Set navbar
- Statusbar
- enable / Disabling the operator's name
- Moves Clock on the right or left
Displays seconds on the clock
Displays the name of the day on the clock
- Setting Color hour
- Battery Icon
Colors on the battery icon
- enable / Disable the battery icon
- enable / Disabling the percentage of battery level
- Monitor Internet data
- Set Color monitor Data
- Setting Dynamic color
- Gesture
- Features Gestures anywhere
- Application Circular
- level Visibility
- size Quick keys
- Recents Panel
- enable / Disable button deletion
- enable / Disabling of the memory
- the Location deletion button (right or left)
- Screen Notifications
- Notification Weather
- This Setting fast
- Selection Lot and location shortcut
- Press Long on the icon to enter the settings
- as Occupying music with a single click
- Record Sound and the screen easily
- Maximize RAM used with a single click
- Slider Screen brightness

Lock Screen::

- change Background image
- Animated
- Animated On the keyboard
- Animated To scroll the screen
- Animated System
- Animated Toast

Introducing new features and applications::

- Colors Dynamically set colors at certain hours
- Music
- Video
- Voice recorder
- Torch
- Calendar
- File Manager 

First time installation instructions:

Download to your sdcard
Make sure you're using a Kitkat Compatible Recovery
Boot into Recovery
Wipe all your data
Flash from sdcard



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