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[Guide] [Port] How to port Custom ROM in Mediatek Device [MT6582 to MT6582]

Hello peeps, it's the guide of porting Custom ROM in MEDIATEK devices. Actually this guide made for porting ROM in Walton Primo RM. But this guide also works for others MT6582 SOC's. Just follow this guide step by step, you will be success. 

Note- This porting guide will never work in these ROMs like CyanogenMod, MiUi, ColorOS, HiveUi, LewaOS. It works in general ROM's.

Requirements :

*Windows XP/7/8/10
* 7-Zip/ Winrar
* Notepad++
* Stock ROM (original rom of your phone)
* Port Rom (which you want to port)

Step 1:
a) Unzip both of ROM (Stock & Port ROM)

Step 2:
a) Open STOCK and PORT ROM in separate windows
b) Delete boot.img from PORT
c) Copy boot.img from STOCK then Paste boot.img to PORT

META-INF folder:

Open meta-inf folder & locate updater-script META-INF\com\google\android, then open it with Notepad++
just change system & data (if available) block mounting point as ur device,
Compare mmcblk0p* with ur stock Rom Zip
format("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p5", "0", "/system");
format("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p7", "0", "/data");
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p5", "/system");

Step 3:
a) Open folder system/bin in STOCK and copy these files pq and vold then paste it to PORT system/bin folder

Step 4:
a) open folder system/etc in PORT and delete firmware folder
b) open folder system/etc in STOCK and copy folder firmware
c) open folder system/etc in PORT and paste folder firmware

Step 5:
a) open folder system/lib in PORT and delete folder hw
b) open folder system/lib in STOCK and copy folder hw
c) open folder system/lib in PORT and paste folder hw

Step 6:
a) open folder system/lib in STOCK and copy following files: [it's must for RM Device, but porting ROM in others device it doesn't need]
b) open folder system/lib in PORT and paste all files

Step 7:
a) open folder system/usr/keylayout in STOCK and copy file Generic.kl
b) open folder system/usr/keylayout in PORT and paste file Generic.kl

Step 8:
Open build.prop in PORT and search line ro.sf.hwrotation=
[set it to "0"]
[set it to 320]
Now Change device Model, Manufacture name, Brand 
In build.prop search lines

Step 9:
Compress/zip META-INF, system and boot.img using winrar/7-Zip as and flash using any custom recovery.
First boot may take 2-3 minutes

Please add proper credits in your ported ROMs

If your ROM booted successfully, then try to find bugs & fix given below:-

#Bug fixing:

#1.Stuck at logo/Bootloop?
Replace following files from STOCK to PORT

#2.Camera focus not working?
Replace following file from STOCK to PORT

#3.Camera showing wrong model in pic property?
Change model in build.prop
Still not working? Replace following file from STOCK to PORT

#4.Camera not working/force close?
Replace following files from STOCK to PORT
all files from system/lib folder which starts with libcam

#5.Resolution problem?
open build.prop and add following line

#6.Pixalation in video?
Replace following file from STOCK to PORT

#8.Storage not mounting?
Decompile framework-res.apk using apktool or apk multitool and replace following file from STOCK framework-res.apk to PORT framework-res.apk

#9.LED not working?
Replace following files from STOCK to PORT

Best Of Luck......!!!

Credit Goes to
@HM Rasel Khan


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